Virtual 5K with team shimmer

Hey! exactly how are ya?

Last publish I asked who your preferred star is – I like JLo, Reese Witherspoon, Kate Winslet, Meryl Streep… okay that’s a lot.
MY latest VIDEOS

Before We Were Strangers Review
Before We Were Strangers by Renee Carlino book review.
Quick thoughts as well as suggestions for audio books. The story, narrator, evaluation as well as more on the A great listen series.

Περισσότερα βίντεο

0 seconds of 9 minutes, 42 seconds

High Achiever – great listen book Review


I believe my preferred male actor is Tom Hanks as well as I spotted his star yesterday!

I likewise got caught in some truly poor web traffic on the method home. I was only able to take this photo since my cars and truck was in park as well as turned off – we were at a total stop for about 15 minutes.

This morning I woke up (thank God) to see the rain flooded the walkway near the riverbed. We will rebuild! The thing with SoCal is the rain doesn’t make it feel nice as well as clean, it really feels dirtier since it just sweeps all the trash as well as debris to one location.

Pineapple cottage cheese is back! except it’s already gone. I like this stuff.

And now I’m sitting down to lunch on the couch while I catch up with the Duggars.

Team shimmer online 5K

Team shimmer is holding a online 5k to raise money for their Ragnar team.

#TeamSparkle is running the So Cal Ragnar in order to raise understanding & money for Rett Syndrome & woman Power 2 Cure. This terrible illness has trapped close to half a million women in their bodies, leaving them not able to speak, walk, or even utilize their hands. #TeamSparkle is running since these women can’t, however we believe someday they will!

This year we invite YOU to join #TeamSparkle as well as take part in the #ragnar4rett journey by signing up for a online 5k (& yes, all revenues will be contributed to woman Power 2 Cure).

Question: What’s for lunch?

Is web traffic poor where you live?



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keep going with these:

surface the Run – online Race in honor of Ahmaud Arbery

surface the Run – online Race in honor of Ahmaud Arbery

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Boston Marathon Monday, however a online 5K

Boston Marathon Monday, however a online 5K

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Γειά σου! If you like running as well as eating as much as I do you should think about running a 5K as well as going to the fair… keep in mind l

exactly how to stay Accountable with a online Running difficulty – funny Running Memes

exaCtly πώς να παραμείνετε υπεύθυνοι με μια online δυσκολία λειτουργίας – αστεία τρέξιμο μιμίδια

τα καλύτερα αστεία τρέξιμο μιμίδια στο Instagram @RuneAtrepeat ακριβώς πώς να παραμείνετε υπεύθυνοι σε μια online δυσκολία που τρέχει και

Δεξαμενή αποθήκευσης καρχαρία Treadmill καθώς και ημερομηνίες μεσημεριανού … ημερομηνίες;

Δεξαμενή αποθήκευσης καρχαρία Treadmill καθώς και ημερομηνίες μεσημεριανού … ημερομηνίες;

Γειά σου! Πώς πάει? Απλά επιθεωρήσαμε με το προτιμώμενο τρέξιμο καθώς και να τρώω από αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο! Τι σκαρώνεις? Πρώτα

⚡ από το Shareholic


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