Slippery Snow

Wow! I thought it was slippery after the rain. Οχι! It was super SLIPPERY today after it snowed this weekend. I felt soooo hardcore running with snow all around me this morning. ποιός είμαι? This California girl is out of place here, but I am slip-slopping along.

I even put on my wool socks to keep my toes from freezing! It was gorgeous out with everything dusted white. but – there were a lot of areas of sidewalk that had slush, black ice or icy snow. It was very slippery and something bad happened…
MY latest VIDEOS

Podcast Recaps from Aug 6
And here’s a new video with a quick recap of 3 podcasts I listened to yesterday. 
Podcasts Recapped:

The drama Club – April 2018 episode about Monica Lewinsky and July 2018 episode about Conan O’Brien and duchess of York Fergie. interesting stuff!

The morning toast Podcast – Today’s episode about hot topics including the E! news announcement that the show will be completely cancelled (the times have been switched up a bit lately, but now it’s over).

Juicy scoop with Heather McDonald – interview with Captain Sandy from below Deck Mediterranean 

Περισσότερα βίντεο

0 seconds of 7 minutes, 26 seconds

Marathon training Day 2


As I was running along I saw a man lying on his side in the driveway. At first I wasn’t sure if he was working on the driveway or what, so I stopped and tried to figure out if I should offer help. He had his back to me and I saw him try to drag himself towards the house.

So, I went up and offered to help. He didn’t want me to help him up because he didn’t think the leg he fell on could straighten out. He told me just to stay with him while he dragged himself to the door and asked me to open the front door for him so he could get inside.

Once inside he told me he was calling his wife and didn’t need any thing else. I knew he was embarrassed and hurt and didn’t want to push it. So, I made sure he was inside with his phone and left.

That interaction gave me a lot to think about on the rest of my run.

I really want to be able to help people. I wish I could have done more for that man. I’ve been considering different career paths lately and I keep getting signs that I need to be more hands on with working with and helping people. I have a lot to think about before I make a move, but I’m going somewhere with this ?

Once I came home I had a big bowl of cereal and a banana with AB. I also ate a small piece of cinnamon raisin bread with PB – I think my tummy just hadn’t registered fullness yet, because a few minutes later I was uncomfortably full!

Okay ladies and gentleman, I have to go. Τα λέμε αργότερα ?

Στείλτε μου το βιβλίο εργασίας


Το να μοιράζεσαι σημαίνει ότι νοιάζεσαι!







keep going with these:



Here’s a list of 51 positive Affirmations for Runners. I mentioned these on Instagram today because you may not realize

easy breakfast Baked Potato Recipe

easy breakfast Baked Potato Recipe

easy breakfast Baked Potato recipe Potatoes are a delicious, nutrient-dense vegetable and a great option to fuel your wo

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One Last love Letter to My cat Vegas…

saying goodbye to my cat named Vegas. pictures and blog posts starring my favorite orange cat, intern, roommate and frie

before the LA Marathon-Check out TheseΣυμβουλές

Πριν από τον La Marathon-Check out αυτές τις συμβουλές

Λατρεύω τον La Marathon !! Νομίζω ότι είναι ένας από τους καλύτερους μαραθώνιους στις ΗΠΑ και δεν παίρνει την πίστωση που του αξίζει! Το LA έχει

Churro Waffles Συνταγή-Εύυρη Βάφαλο Maker Hack

Churro Waffles Συνταγή-Εύυρη Βάφαλο Maker Hack

Churro Waffles συνταγή με μόνο 4 συστατικά. Super Easy Waffles έγιναν γρήγορα με ζύμη μπισκότων, κανέλα α

Εκπαίδευση για τη σειρά βιντεοσκοπίας της Βοστώνης Μαραθώνιου Hello Hello!

Εκπαίδευση για τη σειρά βιντεοσκοπίας της Βοστώνης Μαραθώνιου Hello Hello!

Γειά σου! Φιλοξενώ μια σειρά βίντεο που ονομάζεται ’10, 000 μίλια στη Βοστώνη ‘με το Hyland’s Powered! Ακολουθούμε μια ομάδα Heale

⚡ από το ShareaHolic


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