Chickpeas and Eggs

When I saw this recipe on Heatherbakes recently I almost died. I love chickpeas (um, call me captain obvious). but – Ben doesn’t like them ?

He does however, love eggs. So, when I saw this combination I knew I had a winner.
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The original recipe is in the latest Food Network magazine. This edition is all about eggs. since I didn’t have the actual magazine or recipe I made it up as I went along (aka – how I always cook).

I used this sauce I got from Bertolli as part of the FoodBuzz taste maker program. This is my new favorite sauce. I loved it – for real. Ben even asked if it’s sold around here because he wants me to get it again.

This meal was super easy and super delicious – just like I like it! Plus, with the addition of eggs Ben loved it too.

Chickpeas and Eggs – RER style:

Heat olive oil in a cast iron skillet. Sautee onions and garlic in oil.  add 2-3 cups of cooked (canned) chickpeas. mix and heat through.

Add jar of sauce, heat.

When sauce is hot add eggs. I added four because I wanted more chickpeas than eggs.

Serve with warm naan. Απόλαυσε τη ζωή.

I topped the bread with some I Can’t believe it’s Not Butter spread. The company sent me a coupon for one of their products and I went with the spread because I already have the spray ?  

Today was a healthy, but not perfect day of eats. After reviewing many, many blog posts from the past I realized a few blaring things I do wrong:

– eat too many carbs and not enough protein or healthy fats (so I’m not satisfied)

– eat too much fruit by itself (and have a resulting sugar/carb binge)

– Snack randomly/mindlessly/habitually/at night (this we already knew, but I didn’t realize the extent until reading myself do it day after day after day…)

In an effort to listen to  get in more protein I made a turkey sandwich for lunch. As soon as I was eating it I felt guilty for eating meat ? I think I will stick to non-animal sources of protein in my sandwich next time. but I did want to come clean about it.

Today while eating an apple and cantaloupe (that missed the camera) I added cashews and raisins. adding the nuts helped even with the dried fruit.

now I am off to spend some time with that guy who lives with me…



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