My Apologies and Carb loading

I apologize to everyone who got 3,065 posts from me today. I don’t know what’s up with my site and Google Reader. Please let me know if it happens again ?

Today I felt guilty about eating cereal (x2)…
Τα τελευταία μου βίντεο

Ημέρα Εκπαίδευσης Μαραθωνίου 1

Περισσότερα βίντεο

Πήρα μια δοκιμή Covid-19


and a waffle. until I decided to call it “early carb-loading”. Okay, “very early carb-loading“. but that made me feel like it was okay.It doesn’t mean it was actually okay, but it felt like it…

In reality it is better to up your carb intake a day or two (not a week, Monica!) ahead of time. You don’t want to completely stuff yourself the night before. That might mean bad news the morning of the race.

I also “early carb-loaded” with a potato biscuit with cheese and TJ’s Soy Nuggets. I was making the bread for Ben, but realized that I was going to eat some too (like I always do). I typically “heavy-handedly taste” Ben’s food and don’t realize all the extra calories I’m getting. Tonight I just decided to eat what I wanted, put it on a plate and enjoy it.

Eating salads out of hummus containers is the new eating oatmeal out of PB containers…

Fill ‘er up!

Dessert because I can’t resist the siren song of Dark chocolate in my freezer. but I am sticking to my new Year’s Resolution of No eating after dinner – I ate this at the table then, flossed my teeth. Εγινε.

Intuitive eating & the perfect Day?

I was thinking about how I would eat if I already was a true Intuitive Eater. I tried to think of what I would eat if calories didn’t matter. A day of eating my favorite foods would look something like this:

Breakfast: Protien pancakes or Bagel

Lunch: big whole Foods salad/hot bar salad

Snack: trail mix or PB&J

Dinner: Salmon, brussel sprouts and baked sweet potato

Dessert: Yogurtland!!!

This made me realize:

My favorite foods are somewhat high in cals, but not “bad” in moderation at all.

I have naturally pretty healthy tastebuds.

I would get sick of eating these things everyday and would definitely mix it up! I even thought I wouldn’t want to have frozen yogurt everyday!

I think I need to relax and trust that my body can guide me a bit more, but also realize that I have a sweet tooth and it will take over if I throw my blood sugar “off” with too many carbs and not enough veggies and fats.The reality is I eat the same amount of calories as I would if they didn’t matter (like the menu above), but I end up sneaking/snacking them when I don’t just feed my cravings.

Sorry if this bores you, I just thought it was interesting that my “ideal eats” are so carb heavy, but relatively healthy.

Question: What would you eat if calories didn’t matter? Do you already eat like that?

Breathe – despite the cold weather I am trying very very hard to stay positive. This week’s breathe post lists the positive things about the cold ?

Στείλτε μου το βιβλίο εργασίας


Το να μοιράζεσαι σημαίνει ότι νοιάζεσαι!







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⚡ από το ShareaHolic


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