Be more carefulBe more careful
Usually, RER is pretty light hearted, but I thought I’d use this post to talk about something very serious… Police found the body of a girl believed to be Chelsea
Usually, RER is pretty light hearted, but I thought I’d use this post to talk about something very serious… Police found the body of a girl believed to be Chelsea
delighted Tuesday I started my day with boot camp. I’m very delighted it’s been warmer this week so it’s not dark and cold outside!! Then, I came straight home thinking
pleased Friday! here are 5 “F” words for your enjoyment… Fitness – I ran 9 miles, wanted to get a longer run in today considering that I have the half
Αισθάνομαι κάπως σαν να τρώει όλα καθώς και να μην επαρκείς τρέχει εδώ στο ol ‘run eat repeat blog. Έτσι σήμερα θα σας απαλλάξω το δοχείο O’Salad Recap. Τα νεότερα
Γεια !!!! Καλά Χριστούγεννα!!!!! Μου αρέσουν παιδιά. Σήμερα το πρωί ξεκίνησα τη μέρα μου με λίγο ζεστό τσάι. Ήθελα να ζεσταθώ πριν ξεκινήσω σε αυτό το κρύο 56 βαθμούς… Τα
hello as well as happy Wednesday! Last night I packed up my running gear to take with me to boot camp. When it was over I strapped on my Garmin
It’s never a good sign when you come home from the gym to 3 fire trucks, 2 ambulances and several police automobiles sitting outside your apartment… The sign does get
I apologize to everyone who got 3,065 posts from me today. I don’t know what’s up with my site and Google Reader. Please let me know if it happens again
This morning I was expected to do a 6 miler with 4 tempo miles. But, the wind was crazy! I kept my head down so my visor wouldn’t fly off
Wow! I thought it was slippery after the rain. Οχι! It was super SLIPPERY today after it snowed this weekend. I felt soooo hardcore running with snow all around me