Oats in a jar is so 2013 Salad in a jar is Now.

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Thank you to everyone who chimed in on the sports Bra chafing post. love when we can help each other out and it feels like a community up in RER land
MY newest VIDEOS

Jessica Simpson memoir – open book review
Review of Jessica Simpson’s new book – open Book. The singer and entrepreneur spills secrets and behind the scenes surprises all in her memoir.

Review of the Audible book – Jessica Simpson reads it herself! plus there are bonus offer songs when you get the audio version!

Περισσότερα βίντεο

5 minute Run warm Up A


This morning I ran and ate. It’s my thing. My run was just okay, I think my legs are still exhausted a little from Sunday’s 20.

Yesterday I was scraping the bottom of the hummus container when I chose to center lunch around this deliciousness.

Anyone who’s been reading healthy lifestyle blogs or Pinterest for 12 minutes has seen the infamous “Oats in a Jar” aka OIAJ. This is the best way to scrape the delicious nut butter from the bottom of the jar! Bless it.

But that is so 2012.

Or maybe it’s 2013 when I made that delicious Overnight Mang-Oats recipe that rocked. I ought to make that again soon…

ΤΕΛΟΣ παντων.

It’s all about Salad in a Sabra up in here. I purchase the Sabra containers from Costco so they are a terrific size to pack with veggies and protein and nuts and what-have-you and make a meal!

In other news… I can’t stop putting NuNaturals chocolate syrup on everything.

Speaking of… email me if you won the Nu Naturals Giveaway! There were 5 winners but only 2 people emailed me their name and address. send it to runeatrepeat at gmail

And vegas barfed on my comforter so I don’t like him today.

Το τέλος.

Best thing of the world: This baby seal hitching a ride on a surf board.

Question: have you made oats in a jar?

Salad in a jar?

Pie in a jar?

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